I had some running around to do early this morning and of course having the day off, all to myself i decided to underdress as much as i could.
i hooked my bright pink lace bra around myself, put in some big forms and of course sweet lilac deodorant. i stepped into my bright pink nylon and lace valmont panties. i grabbed some jeans and a hoodie but i couldnt find my belt. i figure oh, well ill be okay.
i made the first of 3 stops and nothing was amiss. #2 went without any issues. #3 i stopped at Tim Horton's (coffee/donut) for a coffee and muffin.
as i stood in line, i reached around to get my wallet out. apparently my panties, being full briefs were up higher than my jeans which had slipped and slid down over my smooth satiny bottom.
I paid for my goods and stepped out of the way for the next customer to come up. i retrieved my food and went to a table and sat down. the older guy who had been behind me came over to my table and said, "those are mighty pink panties youre wearing. they look pretty comfy." i had just taken a sip of coffee so i motioned for him to sit down. I thanked him and said, "other than maybe having to be hidden, theyre some of the best panties ive ever had." he nodded and said, "I certainly would have liked to seen them better."
i invited him to follow me to the little boys room and he could see them better. I got up sashayed my fanny as i walked to the rest room. the restroom is small with only one urinal and stall and he came in right behind me. i pushed him back against the door to kind of hold it closed, reached for my waist and undid my jeans. i stepped back and as my jeans slipped down my thighs, i lifted my sweatshirt so he could see my panties and bra simultaneously. he reached out for my boobs but i told him, "look but dont touch." he glanced down at my limp little **** in my panties and said, "i could make your **** fill more than it is" to which i then grabbed his hand and put it against my tiny bulge. i told him "this is all we're going to get and then pulled my jeans back up and fastened them. i pulled my hoodie back down and excused myself from his presence.