I saw a post about the site he wears panties which I think I came across before but can’t remember. I’ve spent time on the internet looking for panty stories and not Really forums, this is the first forum I joined to be apart of the discussion and community. I remember during my travels for panty stories I found A panty site called LLAPA which had a lot of panties and slips stories, one of those stories I have shared in the stories section. Then there was a website called experience project where there were a ton of different panty stories and experiences. One such story sort of which cemented my love for panties was a story by the user cracklewalk, I should say experience. Anyway it was his first time with panties experience and he described putting panties on the first time as electric. I found others who described the feeling as electric. It made me jealous and I tried on every pair panties I could get ahold of to try and get that electric feeling, still haven’t had it but I’ve given up because I’m almost 30. But anyway , llapa and experience project arent around anymore and since then I haven’t been able to find really good nylon panties stories like I used to. also with this site sort of being not dead but somewhat of a ghost town it made me curious if anyone knew of a place more active. I try looking for panty forums but this is the first one to come up and the rest are duds. If anything there are the groups on Flickr and Reddit but those are mostly picture related rather than discussion but they are still and option and fun but just not the same.
anywya tell me what you guys think and tell me about some new sites and old sites
If I had a harem they would only wear big purple nylon granny panties with lace waistbands and frilly leg bands. Okay maybe some floral prints, animals prints, and polka dots but it still would be purple.
I remember those sites. literotica.com is the only site left these days with good stories. there are a bunch of cuckold sites with pretty good stories. does anyone remember Santinrique forum and amazing products they used to sell?
Panties, big Granny panties and a night gown. ahhhhh!
i remember LLAPA well! there was another called Pantykin but i thing the whole httpS thing, shut them down because they didnt want to deal with the added protocols or costs associated with the new security requirements