The Great Purge?
My wife sent me this article:Hundreds of panties turn up along Ohio roadPosted: 8:41 am EDT September 1, 2011LANCASTER, Ohio -- Authorities in central Ohio are trying to solve a panties puzzle: why hundreds of pairs of mostly women's underwear were dumped along the side of a road.Fairfield County D...
Who knows that you choose to wear panties?
I have been wearing panties 24/7 for many years now and through the years a few people have discovered this about me. Of course my wife knows and to date is the only person that has bought panties for me. I am pretty sure that my mother-in-law knows that I wear panties since she has jumped and done the lau...
A young man is trapped in his hospital bed.
THE NIGHT NURSE It’s been seven weeks now since I came in here. Seven weeks of lying in this bed, legs only just out of plaster and both arms still plastered up and unusable. The only thing I suppose I should be grateful for is that I’m my own room in this private hospital. If things had been different, I c...
Mike in 32 inch panties
LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON. My parents had adopted myself and my older sister when we were quite young. They had told us this once we were both in our early teens and had always treated us as if we were their own. My sister was about four years older than me. I was in my third year at college and I was now nearly nin...
Panty Mike
EDUCATING RITA - Rita learns all about panty fetishism.
EDUCATING RITA “Dave, can I talk to you about something personal? Rita asked as I unlocked the entrance door and we went into the apartment.“Well that depends on what it is,” I replied. “Because we are working and I don’t really think that we should be discussing our personal lives during our working...
Panty Mike
Catching John in Panties - part 1
CATCHING JOHN IN HIS PANTIES - part 1 I had known John and his wife Eileen for a few years now. They lived quite near me and my wife. When they bought a second old French village house which they planned to renovate and rent out, I carried out the electrical installation for them.The house was un-occupie...
Panty Mike
wifes panties - story one - many more to come
i have always loved panties. I oved panty lines on yoga pants. I loved panties period. My wife was well aware. She would catch me looking. I loved playing with the back of her thong panties. Sometimes when she had work before me, when I was in law school. I would jerk off watching blow dry her hair...
Any Brand Recommendation For Panties - Asia
Hi guys, I am new here and I really am proud to have found a place to share my experiences. In summary, since young, I have always love wearing panties. It started from my sister's where I was fascinated by why on earth does panties have such an amazing and soft material compared to boys briefs. One day, I...
Fun With My Step-Mum's Panties
My step-mother would have been in her mid-forties by the time I was nineteen. I thought her quite attractive and I had noticed that men used to give her the odd lustful glance. She had kept in good shape with a fairly narrow waste and a nice bum. I had never taken much interest in women’s breasts at th...
Panty Mike
If I was to single out the event that really started me off on my interest in panties, I suppose I should go all the way back to my pre-pubescent years when I discovered that rubbing my penis gave me pleasure. It was around that time when I had begun to take an interest in seeing the girls’ knickers as they di...
Panty Mike
I used to see a friend quite often who was not one of our local gang. He always seemed a bit of a loner to me. I had been knocking about with him for about two years or so off and on. He was within two weeks of my age but we to different schools. We were about three weeks away from the end of school year and looking f...
Panty Mike
First Time
Hello, I'm new here and thought I'd share some of my formative experiences with panties. I can't remember a time when I wasn't wild about panties--especially the shiny satin or nylon ones with lace trimming. I would go to great lengths to catch peeks of my two older sisters' panties as they wore them. T...
panty play day
With no one at home but me soon, I will get out all of my panties and laid them out on the bed in the guest room. I'll take a long shower while wearing a pair of tight, white satin briefs. Then get out and do a little manicuring of the hair on my legs and chest. I'll set up a couple of full lenght mirrors to go al...
How I Found My Panty Master
PANTY MASTER I So Here is my best panty story, Melissa and I have known each other for about 12 years, In fact we used to be a couple ,But for whatever reason we stopped being a couple and began to just see each other socially, (to this day neither of us can figure out why) In fact I credit Melissa for intro...
panty john
new site
Hey yall, i was wondering if you've seen this guys website. He loves panties too, look at it. It's www.usedpanti.webs.com
My first story will be a true story. The Walmart I worked in had a tradition every Halloween you were allowed to be in costume. Pictures would be taken and posted for all employees to see and vote for your favoeite costume. One halloween, a co-worker named Joe, real name, came fully dressed as a female...